Nov 16, 2015 10:30 AM
leJOS EV3 0.9.1-beta is available for download.
The instructions are on the Wiki, and existing users should read the announcement on the EV3 Software forum
You should also update your leJOS EV3 Eclipse plugin to the latest 0.9.1 version
Jan 10, 2015 10:30 AM
leJOS EV3 0.9.0-beta is available for download.
The instructions are on the Wiki, and existing users should read the announcement on the EV3 Software forum
April 18, 2014 3:30 PM
leJOS EV3 0.8.1-beta is available for download.
This is our first Beta release and the first release that does not require use of the Git repository
The instructions are on the Wiki, and existing users should read the annoucement on the EV3 Software forum
March 24, 2014 3:00 PM
leJOS EV3 0.8.0-alpha is available for download.
To update
- Create a new SD card or overwrite an existing one using Andy's new SD card installer that is introduced at this release.
- In Eclipse use Team > Switch To > Other... > Tags to select the new tag (in this case 0.8.0-alpha).
- Rebuild DbusJava, ev3classes etc. as per the Wiki.
- Rebuild your projects.
This will be the last release that uses code imported from Git.
The next version will include a full release including jar files and an Eclipse plugin.
March 08, 2014 6:30 PM
leJOS EV3 0.7.0-alpha is available for download.
To update
- Create a new SD card from the download.
- In Eclipse use Team > Switch To > Other... > Tags to select the new tag (in this case 0.7.0-alpha).
- Rebuild DbusJava, ev3classes etc. as per the Wiki.
- Rebuild your projects.
February 14, 2014 5:30 PM
leJOS EV3 0.6.0-alpha is available for download.
To update
- Create a new SD card from the download.
- In Eclipse use Team > Switch To > Other... > Tags to select the new tag (in this case 0.6.0-alpha).
- Rebuild DbusJava, ev3classes etc. as per the Wiki.
- Rebuild your projects.
January 08, 2014 5:00 PM
leJOS on the new LEGO Mindstorms EV3.
leJOS has been out for a while on the EV3, in case you have not noticed.
See how to install the latest 0.5.0-alpha version at our Wiki.
August 12, 2013 7:35 AM
An update to Maximum LEGO NXT: Building Robots with Java Brains is now available. The book features updates to previous projects and some new projects, including a laser sensor and beacon localization. This is a small print run available in bookstores and on Amazon.
August 01, 2013 2:00 AM
leJOS on the new LEGO Mindstorms EV3.
Read all about the status of the port of leJOS to the new EV3 platform
on the forums.
Also watch the youtube video.
February 06, 2012 11:30 PM
leJOS NXJ 0.9.1 is available for download.
Big thanks to all leJOS developer who made that happen. This release includes many bug fixes,
new sensor drivers, and even new leJOS tools such as nxjchartinglogger and nxjmapcommand.
Consult the release notes included with any release for a detailed list of
August 26, 2011 1:15 PM
Announcing a new LEGO NXT book launching in September, Intelligence Unleashed: Creating LEGO NXT Robots with Java. As the title suggests, the projects focus on robotics intelligence and advanced capabilities: Segway, Ballbot, Monte Carlo localization, realtime map display, outdoor GPS, robotic arm, the new navigation model, A* Search, image analysis and much more! There are 29 chapters with complete plans for 10 unique robots. Available in bookstores and on Amazon.
May 16, 2011 1:46 PM
After a long delay, leJOS NXJ 0.9 is available for download. We owe Lawrie Griffiths a big thanks for all the time and work he put into making this release happen. Some of the new changes include preliminary Android OS support, a new icon-based menu system, updating the Java language to support such things as generics, and nanosecond support (see the System class)! We've also added many new classes to support new sensors, as well as reworking the navigation API to accomodate different robot types, object detection, and path finding.
We are very interested in having everyone test this release and provide comments as this will be our last revision cycle before the big 1.0 release. If you have any suggestions, now is the time to let us know in the forums.
September 2, 2009 4:16 PM
Just in time for the new semester we have leJOS NXJ 0.85 ready for download. This is an intermediary release (as indicated by the .05) that previews some upcoming technology, however 0.9 will represent the final push for major changes before we settle down to a stable 1.0 release. Major bug fixes and improvements include:
- better support and documentation for MAC OS X, including the Fantom USB driver
- a Netbeans plugin
- improved JVM speed and many more amazing improvements by Andy
- support for the new LEGO color sensor in the NXT 2.0 set
- now supports the instanceof keyword
- detection of rechargeable batteries and improved battery indicator
- nanosecond timers and improved timer support with the Delay class.
- % operation on floats and doubles
- Class, including the isAssignableFrom(Class cls) method
- display of LCD screen in ConsoleViewer
- major speed and accuracy improvements to the Math class from Sven
- platform independent lejos.robotics packages
- new navigation proposal (work in progress) that is platform independent, supports more vehicles, has better localization support, and new concepts of pose controllers and path finders
- preliminary support for probabilistic robotics, including general purpose KalmanFilter class using matrix algebra
- reworking of the Monte Carlo Localization classes
- limited java.awt and java.awt.geom classes
See the release notes for a full list of changes. As usual, feel free to visit our forums and discuss anything and everything.
May 23, 2009 09:40 AM
Version 0.8 of the leJOS NXJ Eclipse Plugin is also available now. It supports the new version 0.8 of leJOS NXJ on Windows (XP or Vista), MAC OSX and Linux and fixes reported bugs of the previous releases.
Use Eclipse's Update manager to install it from the remote update site as follows:
For configuration and usage, consult the leJOS NXJ topic in Eclipse's Help->Help contents view after installation.
May 22, 2009 11:57 AM
leJOS NXJ 0.8 has been released in anticipation of the upcoming Java One. There are plenty of new features, bug fixes and improvements, including:
- iCommand is dead! Long live iCommand. PC control is now included in pccomm.jar and the lejos.nxt.remote package (see pcsamples).
- RS485 Support in lejos.nxt.comm
- Faster bootup times
- Fixed upload reliability problem with some NXT bricks (if it didn't work before it probably works now)
- Support for RFID, RCX Rotation Sensor, and EOPD sensors.
- Much larger support for Java 1.6 classes (including ArrayList) thanks to Sven Koehler
- Support for Generics, Enum classes and foreach loops!
- A fully working lejos.subsumption package
- NXJControl utility for quick control of motors and sensors
- Wider support in the lejos.navigation packages
- javax.microedition.location for Bluetooth GPS
- Lots of sample code in the 'samples' directory
December 11, 2008 18:09 PM
Version 0.7 of the leJOS NXJ Eclipse Plugin is available now. It supports the new version 0.7 of leJOS NXJ on Windows (XP or Vista), MAC OSX and Linux.
Use Eclipse's Update manager to install it from the remote update site as follows:
For configuration and usage, consult the leJOS NXJ topic in Eclipse's Help->Help contents view after installation.
November 15, 2008 11:36 AM
The new leJOS NXJ 0.7 is now available for download. This version includes a Windows installer to make installation a breeze for new users (the compressed-file distribution is also still available). New features include better USB support, no more using a paper clip to upload firmware, faster garbage collection, three new GUI tools, a brand new Tutorial, support for many new sensors, bug fixes and much more (full change log). We also have preliminary packages for the incredible Monte Carlo Localization technique, plus mobile phone remote control. (These packages are still undergoing changes and are not yet supported. For the brave only!) As usual, if you find any bugs please report them to our forums.
May 06, 2008 4:58 PM
NXJ Version 0.6 is available for download. Along with numerous bug fixes, this version includes: Full Mac OSX support, output using System.out and System.err, switch statements, Bluetooth GPS, Bluetooth keyboard (SPP not HID), preliminary javax.bluetooth API, auto-run a program and many more (see notes). Please report any bugs to the forums.
March 18, 2008 09:36 PM
Eclipse Plugin for leJOS NXJ 0.5 is available now. Integrated into the popular Eclipse platform, it allows for uploading the firmware and developing, compiling and uploading leJOS NXJ programs to the brick.
Based on the latest leJOS NXJ release, it supports the most recent Eclipse version 3.3 (Europa), thus runs on Windows and Linux.
Use Eclipse's Update manager to install it from the remote update site as follows:
For configuration and usage, consult the leJOS NXJ topic in Eclipse's Help->Help contents view after installation.
January 19, 2008 11:14 AM
Version 0.7 of iCommand is now ready for download. Linux users who were having problems installing the previous version will have better luck with this since we forgot to include the Bluez package last time. Navigation classes are more refined in this version too. If you find bugs, please report them in the forums.
January 8, 2008 5:34 PM
Version 0.5 of leJOS NXJ is now ready for download. This version has quite a few changes including: A garbage collector (thanks to Janusz Gorecki), I2C writes, Port 4 now works with I2C, multiple NXT brick connections through Bluetooth (thanks to Andy Shaw), returns to menu after program ends, Mindsensors NXTCam, HiTechnic Gyro sensor, support for 64-bit Linux and lots of other general improvements. Feel free to post your comments and bug reports in the forums.
September 3, 2007 3:46 PM
New versions of leJOS NXJ and iCommand are now available for download! The new beta version of leJOS NXJ 0.4 features NXT to NXT Bluetooth comms, a comms proxy to talk via sockets to the outside world, greatly improved MIDP LCD UI and graphics, primitive playing of wav sound samples, a multi-level menu, and lots of other enhancements. We haven't tested everything thoroughly, so if you find any bugs, please let us know in the bugwatch threads for leJOS NXJ and iCommand.
July 15, 2007 4:55 PM
leJOS NXJ 0.3 is out! After a long and painful delay (especially for the developers) the new and improved version of leJOS NXJ is finally available in the downloads. This new version has many new features including storing programs and data to flash memory, a menu system, a file system, and an explorer that runs on your computer. Let us know what you think in the forums!
May 31, 2007 9:43 PM
There's been a holdup! For those who have been waiting for the next release of leJOS NXJ, we'd like to apologize for the unexpected delay. Owners of Maximum LEGO NXT: Building Robots with Java Brains should ignore the install instructions in the book until the next version is released (for now you can use the slightly more primitive leJOS NXJ 0.2.0). More information on this delay can be found in the forums here and here. Thanks for your patience.
April 18, 2007 6:10 PM
Announcing Maximum LEGO NXT: Building Robots with Java Brains, a new book for LEGO NXT programmers. This is a follow-up to Core LEGO MINDSTORMS Programming. The book includes 14 complete robot plans and over two dozen projects, with a foreword by the Director of LEGO MINDSTORMS, Søren Lund. Maximum LEGO NXT will be available from the publisher April 25, 2007 or from book stores and online retailers about a week later. For more information visit the website.
March 30, 2007 8:03 PM
leJOS NXJ Alpha 0.2 is now available. This release contains preliminary Bluetooth support, I2C support (Ultrasonic sensor), and sound support. There is no menu system yet so you still only get one run per upload.
Download Now.
January 10, 2007 12:08 PM
leJOS NXJ is ready for download.
leJOS NXJ is a full firmware replacement and works for Windows and Linux.
This is a technology preview of things to come.
At the moment there is no Bluetooth, I2C (Ultrasonic sensor), or sound support and we do not have a basic menu system.
You can write Java programs and upload them to the NXT brick via USB.
(see readme for more information) Download Now.
October 30, 2006 11:46 PM
iCommand 0.5 is ready for download.
New features include webcam robotics, compass support, synchronized motors, convenient sensor wrappers, and the ultrasonic sensor can now return multiple pings like radar.
Browse the iCommand API or
Download Now.
September 22, 2006 11:08 PM
Version 0.4 of iCommand is now
available. The new version copies leJOS commands more precisely (as
seen in the
iCommand API) and adds functions for the Ultrasonic
sensor. It's still not perfect but it is starting to show some
potential. Download Now.
August 28, 2006 11:13 PM
Introducing iCommand 0.3, a Java API for
controlling the Lego NXT brick. iCommand allows you to program your
robot and control it using your Bluetooth connection. The iCommand API
is modelled on the leJOS API with some differences. Note: This is not
a firmware replacement. Download now.
August 20, 2006 8:50 AM
All's well that ends well: the first
release candidate for leJOS 3.0 is out now! leJOS 3.0 is meant to be
the final release for the RCX, incorporating all the enhancements made
to leJOS since the last official release (2.1.0) in 2003 (before we
hit the road for Java support for the RCX's successor, the NXT). Be
sure to check it out in the downloads section and provide feedback to the
January 5, 2006 9:53 AM
At the January CES, Lego announced the next generation of Lego Mindstorms, called Lego NXT.
The kit is scheduled for launch in September 2006 but they will be releasing 100 developer kits in February. We hope members of the leJOS team will receive these kits, and if we do we will be porting leJOS for the NXT so people can continue to develop their next generation robots in Java!