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Trail: Communication
Lesson: Writing you own protocol stack

Writing your own protocol stack

by Lawrie Griffiths

In lejos 2.0 support for writing your own comms protocol stacks has be added.

The protocol stacks are based on the abstract josx.rcxcomm.PacketHandler interface. All packet handlers must implement three methods:

Protocol stacks are written in layers. The lowest layer deals with recognising, the start and length of a packet and reading in complete packets. On the PC, it will normally use the Tower class. On the RCX, it can use the LLC or Serial classes. It should skip bytes that are not start of packets, to resynchronize after errors.

If the stack is going to support acknowledgement of the receipt of packets (acks) then the lowest handler should also implement the methods:

A lowest level protocol handler for a reliable stack should support independent streams of data in both directions, so out of sync conditions can be recovered from. It should therefore read in and buffer an ack or a packet as soon as it detects one, and must be able to read in an ack when expecting a data packet and vice versa.

On the PC, the method

    public void close();
should be supported to close the Tower.

Also, on the PC the method

    public setListen(boolean listen);

should be supported and when listen is true, keep-alive messages should be sent to a serial tower at least every 3 seconds. Doing this in isPacketAvailable() and isAckAvailable() will normally suffice.

The next higher level layer should support integrity and optionally reliable delivery. Integrity will normally be done by checksums which should have been read in as part of the packet. Reliable delivery involves using the lower level handler to send and receive acks, and checking sequence numbers. If each packet is immediately acknowledged a one-bit sequence number should suffice. Integrity and reliable delivery could be separated into separate layers, but it is normally more efficient to do this in one layer.

The constructor of a PacketHandler is passed the lower level packet handler. This is then available in the protected lowerHandler variable. The lowest level handler has no parameters.

For example:

    PacketHandler packetHandler = 
            (PacketHandler) new IntegrityPacketHandler(
                (PacketHandler) new LowestPacketHandler());

Extra levels of packet handlers can be added, for example an addressing layer. Addressing packet handlers implement point-to-point connections between two ports. They need to support

    public void open(byte source, byte destination);

An example of a three level stack is:

    PacketHandler packetHandler =
          (PacketHandler) AddressingPacketHandler( 
            (PacketHandler) new IntegrityPacketHandler(
                (PacketHandler) new LowestPacketHandler()));

Streams that implement and can be implemented using protocol stacks by use of the abstract port interface RCXAbstractPort.

To create an RCX Port class that uses aPacketHandler protocol stack, you extend RCXAbstractPort and call super() in the constructor and pass it the packet handler, for example:

    public class MyRCXPort extends RCXAbstractPort {
      public MyRCXPort() throws IOException {
        super((PacketHandler) new IntegrityPacketHandler(
                (PacketHandler) new LowestPacketHandler()));

If the port is to support addressing you need pass the constructor the source and destination ports and call the packet handlers open method, for example:

    public class MyRCXAddressingPort extends RCXAbstractPort {
      public MyRCXAddressingPort(byte source, byte dest) throws IOException {
        super((PacketHandler) new AddressingHandler(
                               (PacketHandler) new IntegrityHandler(
                                 (PacketHandler) new LowestHandler(true)));, dest);

The constructor for LowestHandler is assumed here to have a parameter that tells it whether addressing is in use, as this might affect the format of the packet.

Four example RCX Ports are provided as part of the josx.rcxcomm package with lejos 2.0. They are:

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