The leJOS Tutorial
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Trail: Essential leJOS classes
Lesson: Controlling the Hardware

Controlling the Hardware: Buttons

When viewing the upper side of the RCX there are four buttons to be detected:

Except for the On/Off button every one of these buttons is accessible by the leJOS API.

As with most of the hardware related leJOS classes, these three buttons are implemented as static fields of the static Button class:

The reason for this should be clear: there IS actually only one RUN button on the RCX, so it wouldn't make much sense to create more than one instance of it.

Another possibility to access the buttons is via the static Button[] array, which contains the VIEW, PRGM and RUN button, in this order.

Detecting when a button is pressed (and maybe even released)

The main (and eventually the single) interaction the developer of leJOS programs is interested in when referring to buttons is the event, when a user presses the button and - maybe even more important - when he releases it.

The easiest way to achieve this is the use of the waitForPressAndRelease() method. When calling it, the program (or to be more precise, the actual thread) will wait until the user presses and releases the button:

            try {
            } catch(InterruptedException e) {
                // maybe do something here
            } // catch()
You will notice that you have to catch the InteruptedException the method (in fact the underlying thread method) may throw.

After all, in most cases it isn't convenient to stop execution until the user releases a button, but you might want to be notified when such an event happens while the program is running.
In leJOS, for such cases you will use Java's wonderful event listener technology:
Your class to listen for such a button event will implement the two methods

of the josx.platform.rcx.ButtonListener interface.

            public class MyButtonListener implements ButtonListener {
                public void buttonPressed(Button b) {
                    // maybe do something here
                } // buttonPressed()
                public void buttonReleased(Button b) {
                    // maybe do something here
                } // buttonReleased()
            } // class MyButtonListener
Now you are able to add this class as a listener to the button in question:

Every time the RUN button is pressed or released, the according methods of the MyButtonListener will be called.

If you are unfamiliar with event listeners, feel free to consult the section of The Java Tutorial™ in question.

A complete example which uses the Button class

is which may be found in the examples/performance_test section of the leJOS tree.

The Button API

may be found here.
The leJOS Tutorial
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