Package javax.microedition.sensor

JME Sensor API


Interface Summary
Channel Standard JSR256 Channel interface
ChannelInfo Standard JSR256 ChannelInfo interface
Condition Standard JSR256 Condition interface
ConditionListener Standard JSR256 ConditionListener interface
Data Standard JSR256 data interface
DataListener Standard JSR256 DataListener interface
SensorConnection Standard JSR256 SensorConnection interface
SensorInfo Standard JSR256 SensorInfo interface
SensorListener Standard JSR256 SensorListener interface

Class Summary
AccelerationChannelInfo ChannelInfo for acceleration channels axis_x, axis_y and axis_z as implemented by the Mindsensors range of acceleration sensors.
ColorChannelInfo ChannelInfo for color number from HiTechnic Color Sensor.
ColorIndexChannelInfo ChannelInfo for color indexnumber from HiTechnic Color Sensor.
ColorRGBChannelInfo ChannelInfo for color channels rgb_r, rgb_g and rgb_b as implemented by the MHiTechnic color sensor
GyroChannelInfo Heading channel for HiTechnic compass
HeadingChannelInfo Heading channel for HiTechnic compass
HiTechnicColorSensorInfo Sensor Info for HiTechnic Color sensor
HiTechnicCompassSensorInfo Sensor Info for HiTechnic compass
HiTechnicGyroSensorInfo Sensor Info for HiTechnic compass
LightChannelInfo ChannelInfo for Lego light sensor
LightSensorInfo SensorInfo for LEGO light sensor
LimitCondition Basic implementation of the JSR256 LimitCondition class
MeasurementRange Basic implementation of the JSR256 MeasurementRange class
MindsensorsAccelerationSensorInfo Implementation of SensorInfo for the Mindsensors range of acceleration sensors.
NXTActiveCondition Represents an active condition on a specific channel associated with a condition listener
NXTActiveData Represents active asynchronous transfers
NXTADSensorInfo Abstract class with common methods for Lego Analog/Digital sensors.
NXTChannel Implementation of the channel interface for NXT sensor channels
NXTChannelInfo Abstract implementation ChannelInfo with extra methods needed for NXT sensors
NXTData Implementation of the Data interface for NXT Sensors.
NXTSensorConnection Implementation of the SensorConnection interface for NXT sensors
NXTSensorInfo Abstract class that provides default methods for leJOS NXT sensors
ObjectCondition Basic implementation of the JSR256 ObjectCondition class
OperatorTest Base class for RangeCondition and LimitCondition that implements a test on double values using the supplied operator.
RangeCondition Basic implementation of JSR256 RangeCondition class
RCXLightSensorInfo SensorInfo for LEGO light sensor
RCXTemperatureSensorInfo SensorInfo for the RCX Temperature sensor
SensorManager JSR256 SensorManager implementation for leJOS NXJ I2C sensors
SensorURL Parse a sensor URL
SoundChannelInfo ChannelInfo for LEGO sound sensor
SoundSensorInfo SensorInfo for LEGO Sound sensor
TemperatureChannelInfo ChannelInfo for Lego light sensor
TiltChannelInfo ChannelInfo for tilt channels rot_x, rot_y and rot_z as implemented by the Mindsensors range of acceleration sensors.
TouchChannelInfo ChannelInfo for LEGO Touch sensor
TouchSensorInfo SensorInfo for LEGO Touch sensor
UltrasonicChannelInfo Implementation of the ChannelInfo interface for a proximity channel implemented by the LEGO ultrasonic sensor.
UltrasonicSensorInfo SensorInfo for the LEGO Mindstorms ultrasonic sensor
Unit Implementation of the JSR 256 Unit class for the units supported by LEGO Mindstorms I2C sensors

Package javax.microedition.sensor Description

JME Sensor API