java.awt Minimal AWT package for shape classes with integer co-ordinates
java.awt.geom Minimal awt.geom package for Point2D, Line2D and Rectangle2D Input/Output support
java.lang Core Java classes
java.lang.annotation Basic support for annotations Support for sockets via PC SocketProxy
java.util Utilities
javax.bluetooth Standard Bluetooth classes J2ME I/O.
javax.microedition.lcdui J2ME LCD User Interface classes. J2ME Game classes.
javax.microedition.location Location API
javax.microedition.sensor JME Sensor API
javax.xml.namespace Subset implementation of javax namespace package, used by xml stream classes Subset implementation of javax XML stream classes Subset implementation of XML stream events
lejos.addon.gps The lejos.addon.gps package provides GPS parsing.
lejos.addon.keyboard Support for Bluetooth SPP keyboards
lejos.geom Geometric shape support for robotics using float co-ordinates
lejos.nxt Access to NXT sensors, motors, etc.
lejos.nxt.addon Access to third party and legacy RCX sensors, motors and other hardware not included in the Lego NXT kit
lejos.nxt.addon.tetrix HiTechnic Tetrix Motor and Servo controller support.
lejos.nxt.comm NXT communication classes
lejos.nxt.debug Debugging thread classes
lejos.nxt.rcxcomm Emulation of RCX communication classes
lejos.nxt.remote Remote NXT access over Bluetooth
lejos.robotics Hardware abstraction interfaces for the robotics package.
lejos.robotics.kinematics Start of a kinematics package
lejos.robotics.localization Localization support
lejos.robotics.mapping Support for maps
lejos.robotics.navigation Navigation classes.
lejos.robotics.objectdetection Object detection classes.
lejos.robotics.pathfinding Path finding classes.
lejos.robotics.subsumption Support for subsumption architecture.
lejos.util More utility classes