Package lejos.robotics.navigation

Navigation classes.


Interface Summary
ArcMoveController An enhanced MoveController that is capable of traveling in arcs.
ArcRotateMoveController A MoveController for robots that can perform arcs and rotate on the spot.
MoveListener Any class that wants to be updated automatically by a MoveProvider should implement this interface.
MoveProvider Should be implemented by a Pilot that provides a partial movement to a pose when requested.
NavigationListener Interface for informing listeners that a way point has been reached.
WaypointListener Interface for informing listeners that a way point has been generated.

Class Summary
ArcAlgorithms The static methods in this class can be used to to calculate theoretical routes and for displaying graphical representations of the path of a robot.
Ballbot This class dynamically stabilizes a ballbot type of robot.
CompassPilot Deprecated. This class will disappear in NXJ version 1.0.
DifferentialPilot The DifferentialPilot class is a software abstraction of the Pilot mechanism of a NXT robot.
LegacyNavigator Deprecated. This class will disappear in NXJ version 1.0.
LegacyPilot Deprecated. This class will disappear in NXJ version 1.0.
Move Models a movement performed by a pilot
Navigator This class controls a robot to traverse a Path, a sequence of Waypoints.
OmniPilot Use the OmniPilot class to control holonomic vehicles with three omnidirectional wheels that allow the robot to move in any direction without changing heading.
Pose Represents the location and heading(direction angle) of a robot.
This class includes methods for updating the Pose to in response to basic robot movements.
SteeringPilot Vehicles that are controlled by the SteeringPilot class use a similar steering mechanism to a car, in which the front wheels pivot from side to side to control direction.
Waypoint A sequence of way points make up a route that a robot can navigate.

Enum Summary
Move.MoveType The type of movement made in sufficient detail to allow errors in the movement to be modeled.

Exception Summary
DestinationUnreachableException Exception thrown by path finders when the destination cannot be reached

Package lejos.robotics.navigation Description

Navigation classes.