See: Description
Interface | Description |
EV3SensorConstants |
Basic constants for use when accessing EV3 Sensors.
SensorConstants |
Constants used to set Sensor types and modes.
SensorMode | |
SensorModes |
Provide access to the modes supported by a sensor
Class | Description |
AnalogSensor |
Base class for analog sensor drivers
BaseSensor | |
CodeTemplate |
Sensor name
Description The code for this sensor has not been tested. |
CruizcoreGyro |
Micro Infinity Cruizcore XG1300L
The XG1300L is a fully self-contained digital MEMS gyroscope and accelerometer. |
DexterCompassSensor |
Dexter Industries dCompass sensor
A three axis magnetometer |
DexterGPSSensor |
Dexter dGPS sensor
Sends GPS coordinates to your robot and calculates navigation information The code for this sensor has not been tested. |
DexterIMUSensor |
Dexter Industries dIMU Sensor
An accelerometer and gyroscope for the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® NXT and EV3. |
DexterLaserSensor |
Dexter laser sensor
The sensor contains a laser and a photodiode to read ambient light values. The Dexter Industries laser can turn on and off very rapidly, with the following characteristics: |
DexterPressureSensor250 |
Dexter Industries DPressure250
Pressure sensor for LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3 and NXT. |
DexterPressureSensor500 |
Dexter Industries DPressure500
Pressure sensor for LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3 and NXT. |
DexterThermalIRSensor |
Dexter Industries Thermal Infrared Sensor
The Dexter Industries Thermal Infrared Sensor reads surface temperatures of objects. |
EV3ColorSensor |
EV3 color sensor
The digital EV3 Color Sensor distinguishes between eight different colors. |
EV3GyroSensor |
EV3 Gyro sensor
The digital EV3 Gyro Sensor measures the sensors rotational motion and changes in its orientation. |
EV3IRSensor |
EV3 Infra Red sensor
The digital EV3 Infrared Seeking Sensor detects proximity to the robot and reads signals emitted by the EV3 Infrared Beacon. |
EV3TouchSensor |
Lego EV3 Touch sensor
The analog EV3 Touch Sensor is a simple but exceptionally precise tool that detects when its front button is pressed or released. |
EV3UltrasonicSensor |
Lego EV3 Ultrasonic sensor
The EV3 Ultrasonic sensor measures distance to an object in front of the sensor. |
HiTechnicAccelerometer |
HiTechnic NXT Acceleration / Tilt Sensor (NAC1040)
The HiTechnic Accelerometer / Tilt Sensor measures acceleration in three axes. |
HiTechnicAngleSensor |
Hitechnic Angle sensor
The Angle sensor measures axle rotation position and rotation speed. |
HiTechnicBarometer |
Hitechnic Barometric sensor
The sensor measures both atmospheric pressure and temperature. |
HiTechnicColorSensor |
HiTechnic color sensor
Description The code for this sensor has not been tested. |
HiTechnicCompass |
HiTechnic compass sensor Sensor name
The HiTechnic compass measures the earth's magnetic field and calculates a heading angle. |
HiTechnicEOPD |
HiTechnic EOPD Sensor
The EOPD or Electro Optical Proximity Detector uses an internal light source to detect the presence of a target or determine changes in distance to a target. |
HiTechnicGyro |
HiTechnic NXT Gyro Sensor
The NXT Gyro Sensor contains a single axis gyroscopic sensor that detects rotation. |
HiTechnicIRSeeker |
HiTechnic NXT IRSeeker
The NXT IRSeeker is a multi-element infrared detector that detects infrared signals from sources such as the HiTechnic IRBall soccer ball, infrared remote controls and sunlight. |
HiTechnicIRSeekerV2 |
HiTechnic NXT IRSeeker V2
The NXT IRSeeker V2 (Version 2) is a multi-element infrared detector that detects infrared signals from sources such as the HiTechnic IRBall soccer ball, infrared remote controls and sunlight. |
HiTechnicMagneticSensor |
The sensor detects magnetic fields that are present around the front of the sensor in a vertical orientation. |
I2CSensor |
Class that implements common methods for all I2C sensors.
MindsensorsAbsoluteIMU |
Mindsensors AbsoluteIMU
Sensor interface for the Mindsensors AbsoluteIMU family of sensors. |
MindsensorsAccelerometer |
Mindsensors acceleration (tilt) sensor ACCL-Nx-v2/v3
The Mindsensors Accelerometer Sensor measures acceleration or tilt in three axes. |
MindsensorsBTSense |
Support for the Mindsensors BTSense application
MindsensorsCompass |
MindSensor Compass sensor
Description The code for this sensor has not been tested. |
MindsensorsDistanceSensorV2 |
Mindsensors DIST-Nx series of Optical Distance Sensors, Version 2
Mindsensors DIST Sensor measure the distance to an object in front of the sensor using IR light |
MindsensorsLightSensorArray |
MindSensors Light Senor Array
This sensor an array of 8 sensors with controlled light source, returning you values of the sensor readings. |
MindsensorsLineLeader |
MindSensors Line Follower Sensor
This sensor an array of 8 sensors with controlled light source, returning you values of the sensor readings. |
MindSensorsPressureSensor |
MindSensors Pressure Sensor
This sensor measures pressures produced by LEGO Pneumatics systems and lot more! The code for this sensor has not been tested. |
NXTColorSensor |
LEGO NXT Color Sensor
allows the reading of raw color values. |
NXTLightSensor |
LEGO NXT light Sensor
The NXT light sensor measures light levels of reflected or ambient light. |
NXTSoundSensor |
NXT Sound sensor
Description |
NXTTouchSensor |
NXT Touch sensor
A sensor that can be pressed like a button. |
NXTUltrasonicSensor |
NXT Ultrasonic sensor
The NXT Ultrasonic sensor generates sound waves and reads their echoes to detect and measure distance from objects. |
RCXLightSensor |
LEGO RCX light Sensor
The RCX light sensor measures light levels of reflected or ambient light. |
RCXRotationSensor |
Provide access to the Lego RCX Rotation Sensor.
RCXThermometer |
Lego RCX temperature sensor
The sensor measures both atmospheric pressure and temperature. |
RFIDSensor |
Support for the Codatex RFID Sensor.
SumoEyesSensor |
Java class for MINDSENSORS NXT SumoEyes (triple zone IR obstacle detector).
UARTSensor |
Base class for EV3 UART based sensors.